Compassion and Commitment to Justice

Legal Advocates You Can Believe In


Your Values Are Ours
Our team believes in and focuses on the same values you do. We believe in truth, justice, dedication, and compassion. We fight against those that do wrong to others.
$68M Cases Mediated
We're dedicated to advocating for those in need and have obtained compensation for our clients totaling over $68M. We always fight for maximum compensation.
24+ Years Experience
Between our attorneys, our firm has a wealth of experience and expertise both inside and outside of the courtroom, totaling more than 24 years of experience.

Personal Injury lawyer for Camden, SC

Common Causes of Personal Injury

Personal injuries can happen at work, at home, out on the town or on the road. Some common workplace injuries include accidents involving machinery, slips and falls, vehicular accidents and injuries resulting from overexertion. You may have fallen from a ladder, had something fall on you or suffered an injury because of another worker’s negligence. Likewise, being overworked or performing an activity that causes constant discomfort can lead to a workplace injury. At home, you may be injured by faulty equipment, such as a defective lawn mower or power tool—often referred to as a manufacturer’s error. The most common occurrence of personal injury is on the road, when a collision leads to bruising, cuts, whiplash, broken bones or life altering injuries.

Why Is It Important To Have A Lawyer?

Without a personal injury lawyer, you may find that you are not fairly compensated for your medical bills, auto repair bills or missed time at work. These cases almost always involve insurance companies that will try to delay or deny your case, leaving you to suffer the financial consequences. While your injury affects you personally, ultimately you are dealing with a legal problem, so it is in your best interest to confide in a legal professional who can represent you.

The Solomon Law Group has the expertise and experience needed to break through the hindrances that insurance companies put in the way of people who deserve compensation. Whether you are battling a car insurance company, a worker’s compensation insurer or a large company who needs to suffer the consequences of faulty equipment, Solomon Law Group approaches each case with care and confidence.

Why Choose Solomon Law Group?

Our lawyers, located in Columbia, care about those who have experienced personal injury and how to best protect them in their cases. That’s why we not only provide service to people who need it, but also involve ourselves in local, state and national organizations to help other attorneys learn about best practices when providing a legal service. Carl Solomon has traveled the nation, teaching and preparing other attorneys to have success on behalf of their clients, and has been President of the South Carolina Bar since May 2010.

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