Compassion and Commitment to Justice

Legal Advocates You Can Believe In


Your Values Are Ours
Our team believes in and focuses on the same values you do. We believe in truth, justice, dedication, and compassion. We fight against those that do wrong to others.
$68M Cases Mediated
We're dedicated to advocating for those in need and have obtained compensation for our clients totaling over $68M. We always fight for maximum compensation.
24+ Years Experience
Between our attorneys, our firm has a wealth of experience and expertise both inside and outside of the courtroom, totaling more than 24 years of experience.

Why Solomon?

Carl L. Solomon had a vision of leading a law firm that was known for its extraordinary client approach and exceptional delivery of legal services. He believed that with the right lawyers and the right staff, the client would receive the type of representation he or she deserved. He believed the firm should not only help the client, but also provide a way to give back to the community. To meet these goals, Carl helped create a well-run and respected law firm that is rooted strongly in values, engages in best business practices, and provides delivery of an exceptional legal work product in the field of injury law. The Solomon Law Group provides legal assistance to all citizens of South Carolina in personal injury, car accidents, truck accidents, product liability, negligence, and other cases. To fulfill this vision, he hires people that share his values, drive, and compassion.

Attorney Carl L. Solomon

“I have built a strong legal team to help my clients when they are in need. I also believe when a client asks to speak to anyone on our team, they have a right to hear from us.”

— Carl L. Solomon, Attorney


Our lawyers have a wealth of experience and expertise both in and out of the courtroom. Their reputation for handling injury cases is well known. Carl is frequently hired by other attorneys to offer his experience as a litigator to overcome liability or injury issues and seek a fair and reasonable verdict in their cases. His expertise in handling complex cases provides his clients with the security of having a proven litigator as their advocate.

Carl also believes that in order for justice to be obtained on behalf of those injured or wronged by others, lawyers must continually hone their skills to improve their ability to serve their clients. The firm consistently pursues opportunities to develop professionally. In addition, works diligently with local, state, and national organizations to teach attorneys and improve the quality of the legal services provided. Carl has provided educational training for other lawyers in South Carolina and has been featured nationally from New York to Maui. Carl is a member of the South Carolina State Bar and began serving as its President in May, 2010.

We believe in our clients, and we work to understand your situation. We understand your rights, and we are dedicated to delivering a quality work product and couple our work with compassion and respect for you, our client. This provides you the comfort and security of knowing that underneath everything that we do is a philosophy of client service that supports you throughout your case.

Your Rights Explained

If you’re interested in potentially filing a personal injury lawsuit, there is some basic information you need to know about when to hire an attorney and how to best go about doing so. The links below can be a good place to start:

For more information, please see a list of the practice areas we currently accept cases for or get in touch with our law office today.

Awards & Recognition