Compassion and Commitment to Justice

Legal Advocates You Can Believe In


Your Values Are Ours
Our team believes in and focuses on the same values you do. We believe in truth, justice, dedication, and compassion. We fight against those that do wrong to others.
$68M Cases Mediated
We're dedicated to advocating for those in need and have obtained compensation for our clients totaling over $68M. We always fight for maximum compensation.
24+ Years Experience
Between our attorneys, our firm has a wealth of experience and expertise both inside and outside of the courtroom, totaling more than 24 years of experience.

They Knew and Failed To

From the American Association for Justice:

Every day there is another recall or warning of a product that turned out to have design flaws or unexpected problems – a drug with an unanticipated side effect, a toy with a sharp piece that can injure a child, or a popular food product that may have been contaminated in production. These recalls and warnings are so frequent that consumers are no longer surprised. What would surprise consumers is the fact that sometimes those who are responsible for these dangers know about the problem and do nothing about it. People find it hard to believe that anybody would cover up a product’s danger and then market that product to the very people it is likely to kill or injure. Yet, that is exactly what happens time and time again. The following pages contain true stories of corporations that have known their products were dangerous, sometimes deadly, but continued to push them onto unsuspecting consumers.

Awards & Recognition