Legal News & Articles
Sweltering weather might not be the first thing on our mind at this time, but lawmakers are already anticipating problems that might arise this summer. A new bill advanced in the South Carolina[...]
Insurance Claims: Protecting Yourself & Others
Insurance is something that we all (hopefully) have, but seldom use or understand. Drivers with registered vehicles in the state of South Carolina are required to carry auto insurance. South Carolina requires three[...]
New Year, New Rules: Texting and Driving in South Carolina
Drivers in South Carolina are now on full notice to keep their eyes on the road and away from their phones. A new law passed in 2014 is now in force, making it[...]
Civil Damages Caps: What Do They Mean?
If you have been injured in an auto accident or due to the wrongdoing of another, a judge or jury may find that you are entitled to compensation under the law. Compensation is[...]
Uninsured and Underinsured Motorists in South Carolina: What You Need to Know
Getting in a car accident can be frightening, emotional, and financially burdensome. The first thing most people do (or should do) when they get in an accident is exchange insurance information. Unfortunately, many[...]
Dangerous Jobs, Volunteering, and Workers’ Compensation
Workers’ compensation benefits will protect most South Carolina workers, regardless of the inherent danger level of the job. Labor-intensive areas such as construction often face more workers’ compensation claims simply due to the[...]
Trucking Accidents
With trucks on our roads weighing up to 100,000 pounds, it is no wonder that it can be particularly catastrophic when they are involved in accidents. Although winter does not bring us snow[...]
South Carolina Workers’ Compensation
If you have been injured or involved in an accident at work, you may be entitled to receive compensation for the losses you incurred. Most South Carolina employers are required by law to[...]
Personal Injury Cases in South Carolina
In a broad sense, personal injury governs injuries that occur due to someone else’s failure to do something they were supposed to do. The action may be against an individual, an employer, a[...]
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and Workers’ Compensation
Workers’ compensation insurance is a benefit that most South Carolina employers are required by law to carry for their employees. Workers’ compensation insurance will pay up to two-thirds of a worker’s salary if[...]