Driving is a task that requires extreme caution and care. Even though we’re desensitized to the danger and responsibility that comes with driving a heavy vehicle at high speeds, it’s important to always be vigilant and focused behind the wheel. After all, any collision with another car, truck, or pedestrian could be fatal. When a driver is distracted, they can easily cause a serious accident that leaves other people seriously injured, or worse.
A Columbia, SC distracted driving accident lawyer from our law firm could help you if you’ve been in an accident with a driver who wasn’t paying attention to the road while operating a vehicle. At Solomon Law Group, LLC, we have experience with distracted driving car accident cases and know how to fully investigate what happened so we can prove the negligent driver was at fault. With our help, you can hold distracted drivers accountable for their actions after they’ve caused devastating car accidents that affect you and your family members.
What Is Distracted Driving?
Simply put, distracted driving is any task that takes your attention from the road while you’re behind the wheel. You might think you can multitask and still effectively drive, but that’s not true. Studies have shown that our brains can’t multitask effectively. We can only focus on one task at a time, which means that if you’re focusing on anything else while driving, you’re not actually paying attention to the road—which can be deadly for you and everyone else on the road with you.
If you’re not paying attention to the road, you could miss traffic stops, red lights, and not notice other drivers on the road. This can lead to car collisions where you didn’t have time to slow down, which means you hit their vehicle or body at a higher speed, resulting in serious injury or even death. Luckily, if you’re the victim of this type of car accident, you have legal options, which you can learn more about when you schedule a free consultation at a Columbia law firm.
What Are the Most Common Reasons Behind Motor Vehicle Crashes Caused by Distracted Drivers?
There are many things distracted drivers may be doing that could result in a tragic car accident, and many of them involve handheld devices, such as cell phones. Here are some of the different tasks that people do behind the wheel that are considered distractions while driving a car:
- Talking on their cell phone
- Texting while driving
- Engaging on social media with their cell phone
- Playing with the radio
- Reaching to grab something on the floor of the car
- Putting on makeup
- Eating and drinking
- Looking anywhere except the road
- Mentally checking out
Even though we consider hands-free devices to be better and not distracted, this isn’t completely true. You might be talking on the phone on a hands-free device so both hands are on the wheel and eyes are on the road, but your brain is most likely more focused on your conversation. This makes you a distracted driver who could end up causing a bad accident. Hands-free devices may be legal, but they’re still not completely safe to use while driving.
If another driver on the road was distracted when they caused your accident, then you could use help from our law firm. A Columbia, SC distracted driving accident attorney can help prove the other driver was being negligent when they collided with you. With our support, you will have a chance at being able to recover the full and fair compensation that you deserve after suffering injuries in a car accident that was caused by a distracted driver. This can help you pay for your medical expenses, lost wages, and any other financial needs you have as a result of a car accident caused by a distracted driver.
What Are Some South Carolina Distracted Driving Laws to Know?
The best way to stay safe while driving is always devoting your undivided attention to the road. It’s important to know what the law describes as distracted driving, though, so you can avoid making illegal decisions behind the wheel that will put others and yourself in danger. According to the South Carolina Department of Insurance (DOI), when you take your eyes off the road for five seconds while going 55 miles per hour, you have traveled the length of a football field without looking.
The same report states that South Carolina ranks third in the nation for worst drivers and seventh for both speeding and careless driving. Distracted driving falls under careless driving, and since it’s illegal, we should examine the different behaviors that our state prohibits and considers to be distractions while driving.
Under current South Carolina legislation, texting and driving is illegal. However, it is currently not illegal to use a cell phone while driving. In 2020, legislation was introduced to make it illegal to use a cell phone in any capacity while driving, but has yet to be passed. Ideally, this law would make it possible to prevent drivers from using their cell phones at all while they’re behind the wheel, which would hopefully reduce the number of distracted drivers in our state.
If another driver was distracted and doing another task while driving, whether it was against the law or not, it’s likely that they’re the party responsible for your accident and subsequent injuries. A distracted driving accident lawyer from our firm can help you after a collision in Columbia left you with injuries and other damages. We’ll be able to calculate how much you’re owed and fight to recover it for you.
How Can Solomon Law Group, LLC Legally Support You After an Accident Caused by a Distracted Driver?
Distracted driving accidents can cause devastating injuries for all involved. Broken bones, lacerations, head injuries, and more can change the course of your life. If you’ve been injured in a distracted driving accident that wasn’t your fault, and those injuries have left you with piling medical bills, missed work, and lost wages, our lawyers will fight to recover those damages for you.
A caring, trusted Columbia, SC distracted driving accident attorney from Solomon Law Group, LLC will use their experience fighting for victims to prove that the other party’s negligence is what led to the accident. Our law firm can also help determine how much you’re owed for your damages after the car accident caused by a distracted driver has left you injured. Contact our office today at 803-391-3120 to schedule a free case review so we can get started right away in getting you the justice that you deserve.