Tragically, many individuals are affected by a long term injuries or disabilities. These disabilities can have a serious long term impact on an individual’s standard of living and their overall emotional and physical health. However, if an individual is eligible, there are benefits that exist under federal and South Carolina law that can help individuals living with a disability live a more comfortable life. There are various types of disability benefits that can be applied for in South Carolina.
Process of a disability claim
Disability claims begin by filing a claim or application. After this application is filed, it is typical for there to be a disability interview. During this interview, it will be likely that that you will be asked about your medical and work history, as well as your injuries. Many disability claims in South Carolina get denied so the proper preparation for an interview is critical. An experienced attorney can help you prepare for your first interview or later on in the appeals process.
After the initial interview a claims examiner will review your disability to see if your claim matches a certain set of requirements. After an examiner reviews your claim, it will be either approved or denied. If a claim is denied, this does not mean that your chance to recover benefits has been extinguished. If the disability claim is denied, the applicant can submit an appeal to their local Social Security Office.
The Different Types of Benefits
SSDI: Social Security Disability Insurance- SSDI provides monthly cash payments to those who meet certain eligibility requirements. SSDI is distributed to individuals who have contributed a certain level of Federal Insurance Contributions Act, or FICA throughout their working careers. If a working individual has contributed enough income to FICA throughout their working lives, they may be eligible for this type of benefit depending on their earnings record and their past jobs.
SSI- Supplemental Security Income: These benefits are designed to provide monthly cash payment when an individual has not reached the threshold of lifetime FICA contributions. Unlike SSDI which is based on work history, SSI benefits are more need-based. This means that you may be eligible for SSI benefits if you have not reached the threshold for SSDI benefits, or if you have a child who does not work.
South Carolina State Supplemental Benefit: In addition to federal social security programs, South Carolina also offers a state supplement benefit that is available through the South Carolina State Department of Health and Human Services. You can apply for this supplement through your local Health and human services office.
Are you disabled and unable to work?
If you are unable to work and suffer from a long term disability, a skilled Columbia disability attorney can help you with your claim and the appeal process. The Solomon Law Group has the experience to help you handle your case and help you get the benefits that you deserve. Our disability attorneys can help you through your entire claims process. Contact us today for a free consultation.