When walking in a grocery store, hotel, or any other type of business, it’s common to see yellow signs posted around spills or wet areas. They warn those walking by that the floor is slippery and they need to proceed with caution. Usually, these signs are posted because someone noticed the immediate problem, but cannot fix it at that very minute. However, the sign shows that the right people are aware and they should get to the matter as quickly as possible.
If you’ve suffered from a slip and fall accident, there may not have been a sign present. This could have informed you that the area was dangerous. Your injuries could have been prevented had negligence not occurred.
Responsibility for Slip and Fall Accidents
Being on someone else’s property with their permission means that they are supposed to do everything possible to make sure you don’t come to any harm. If there are possible dangers, then you are supposed to be informed of it so you can take measures to avoid the danger.
This is how the wet floor signs factor into preventing slip and fall accidents. Spills happen all the time and people can track in snow that melts and forms puddles that can make people slip. The people in charge of the premises are responsible for taking care of these matters in a timely fashion. When they decide to not get to the problem and also fail to inform others of what’s going on, then they are acting negligently and failing to uphold premises liability law.
How Severe Can Slip and Fall Accidents Be?
Slip and falls typically involve someone’s feet slipping out from underneath them and they lose their balance. Some may land on their backs while others may try to catch themselves with an arm or their other knee. The force of falling to the ground or catching oneself can cause significant injuries. People can hurt their heads, backs, and possibly strain or badly bruise their arms and legs.
After a fall, the sudden shock of the situation may make you believe you’re fine. There’s also the unfortunate embarrassment that comes from falling in public. You may want to jump up and brush it off as soon as possible. But that’s not a good idea. The adrenaline can mask your injury symptoms and there’s a chance they are significant and will require professional care.
Getting up and continuing to go throughout your day could feel normal, until maybe a few hours or the next day. You’ll notice the painful symptoms, but still may try to let them heal on their own.
After a slip and fall, you should remain on the ground and call for help or wait until someone can get help for you. A paramedic can assess you and you should also make a report of the accident.
Contact a Slip and Fall Attorney
When a negligent property owner fails to provide their duty of care, it puts your health at risk. A slip and fall accident can mean that you’re going to need intense medical treatment and you’ll need to take time to heal. This can prevent you from working and from participating in activities that you enjoy.
While all this is happening, you may also wonder how you’re going to be able to support yourself and your family. Medical expenses can be costly and you don’t know if you’ll need continued care in the future. Being out from work may spur some to going back before they’re fully healed, but this can lead to making the injury worse and having to take even more time until that injury heals.
This is why it’s crucial to have dependable attorneys at your side. At Solomon Law Group, we’ll make sure that the right people are held accountable for their actions and you get fair compensation for what you’ve been through. Get in touch with us today so we can start working on your case and finding the right path forward for you. When you know you have financial stability, you’ll have the peace of mind you need so you can focus on your recovery.