As we contemplate in a young 2014, we thought it would be a good idea to publish a list of the top 10 resolutions we wish everyone would consider in the upcoming year. Here they are – in no particular order:
- No more texting while driving. Distracted driving is responsible for way too many motor vehicle crashes, injuries and deaths each year. Let’s all stop texting while driving and pay attention to the road.
- Pay it forward. Many of us have benefited from the assistance of another, whether it was a dedicated mentor, a relative or perfect stranger. If you have received help in the past, help someone now.
- Say thank you. There are a lot of people in “thankless” professions out there. When is the last time you thanked a teacher, firefighter, police officer or solider for their service? A simple thank you can go a long way.
- Keep it clean. Our new offices are in an area of Columbia that is being revitalized, and we are proud to be part of improving the area. Studies have shown that when people have pride in the places they live, they don’t litter and take better care of the area. Let’s all work to improve our environments.
- Donate to a local food bank each month. There are still a lot of people out there – including children and seniors – who go hungry. If you can help by donating canned goods or giving a financial donation, these folks will surely appreciate it.
- Read to your kids or volunteer to read at a local school. Literacy is so important to success. Let’s ensure everyone has a solid foundation. (There are also organizations that work to teach adults to read, if that’s of more interest.)
- Exercise your right to vote. Research the issues and candidates before each election and get out and vote in each and every election (not just presidential elections).
- Recycle it. If you can recycle items, please do! Let’s preserve the Earth for our children and grandchildren.
- Write (or update) your will. You may think that if you are young or you don’t have many assets you don’t need a will. Having a will and advance directives like a living will and healthcare power of attorney in place can make things significantly easier for your loved ones in the event you become incapacitated or die unexpectedly.
- Share the love. No one ever knows how long they have in this life. Take every opportunity to tell your loved ones how much they mean to you.
We hope you have a productive and wonderful 2014!