An accident involving a semi-truck, tractor-trailer, or other type of truck is not your typical automobile accident. Trucking accidents have been and continue to be more common as the number of both trucks and cars on the road continues to significantly increase on an annual basis. A recent story highlights the severe danger of trucking related accidents, where three people were recently killed in a crash involving a semi-truck carrying gasoline. According to the police report, the crash involved a semi-truck carrying gasoline, a pickup truck and two SUVs [and] was reported at about 7:30 a.m. Saturday on Interstate 26 in Spartanburg County near the South Carolina-North Carolina line.
A recent report by the U.S. Department of Transportation, which focuses on trucking accidents, notes that in 2014, there were approximately 253 million trucks and cars on the road, and that such traffic has typically increased from year to year by 1.53%. With the increased volume of truck traffic on the road, drivers need to be particularly cognizant of the information they need to obtain when involved in a truck accident.
What to Gather after a Truck Accident
Unlike a typical car accident, the type of information one needs to gather after being involved in a trucking accident is more elaborate, detailed, and complex. For instance, the driver of a truck is not the owner of the vehicle in most cases, but rather works for a trucking shipping or servicing company. The driver may be an employee of the company or an independent contractor. The trucking company generally leases the truck from a third-party lessor or company. The insurance coverage for the truck may be in the name of the trucking company or a third party company.
Additionally, the trucking company that owns the truck may be a corporate subsidiary or different corporate entity that insures the truck. As a result, it is important to obtain as much information as you can, including the truck driver’s name, the company he or she claims to work for, and his or her driver’s license information. Additionally, if possible, it is helpful to obtain the specific company name that the driver works for and any relevant insurance information for that company.
Another point to keep in mind is that every truck on the road is regulated and licensed by the U.S. Department of Transportation, so it also helps to obtain the USDOT registration number of the truck. Often times, trucking accidents occur on highways and freeways, where the specific location of the accident may not be clear. In this situation, it is important to look for and properly notate the approximate mile markers documenting the location of where the accident occurred.
Understanding the relevant information required if and when you are involved in a truck accident can greatly impact your case, including your ability to seek legal claims for damage and harmed suffered as a result. Questions regarding insurance coverage, claims, and liability are generally resolved based upon the information you are able to obtain at the scene of the accident, and become significantly more complicated the less information you are able to obtain.
Contact Our Skilled Attorneys Today
If you or someone you know was injured as a result of a trucking accident, seek the assistance of an experienced trucking accident attorney or law group. Fortunately, the Solomon Law Group is here to assist you. Our firm retains experienced truck accidents attorneys trained to handle your case. The attorneys at the Solomon Law Group are knowledgeable on South Carolina’s trucking laws and South Carolina’s court system. Our legal professionals can be reached at 803-219-8870 and are conveniently located at 3501 North Main Street, Columbia, SC 29203.