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Legal Advocates You Can Believe In


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Our team believes in and focuses on the same values you do. We believe in truth, justice, dedication, and compassion. We fight against those that do wrong to others.
$68M Cases Mediated
We're dedicated to advocating for those in need and have obtained compensation for our clients totaling over $68M. We always fight for maximum compensation.
24+ Years Experience
Between our attorneys, our firm has a wealth of experience and expertise both inside and outside of the courtroom, totaling more than 24 years of experience.

What Are the Risks of a Defective Car Part?

As a law-abiding, responsible driver, you know you take the proper steps to ensure the safety of you and your loved ones when you’re behind the wheel. Unfortunately, you may not always have control over the situations that unfold while operating a vehicle. Defective car parts have the potential to cause serious, life-altering accidents, especially on the highway or interstate. The effects of these accidents are often physical, emotional, and economical.

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration has the authority to issue vehicle safety standards, as well as require manufacturers to recall vehicles that have defective parts and do not meet the federal safety guidelines. Since the enaction of the National Traffic and Motor Vehicle Safety Act in 1966, more than 390 million cars, trucks, buses, and other vehicles, as well as 46 million tires, and 66 million pieces of motor vehicle equipment have been recalled for the benefit of the public.

Even with the National Traffic and Motor Vehicle Safety Act, defective car parts are not always caught fast enough to prevent accidents from happening. If you’ve been in an accident resulting from a defective car part, it’s important to understand your rights. Our attorneys at Solomon Law Group are prepared to answer your questions.

What Are the Most Common Defective Car Parts?

A car part may be considered defective if it does not comply with the Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards or when a safety issue is identified. Below you’ll find a list of the most common defective car parts, as well as the associated consequences.

Brakes. When a vehicle’s brakes malfunction, the driver may be unable to slow down or stop. This is likely to result in a rear-end collision.

Tires. When tires are manufactured improperly, the chances of a blowout increase. In the event of a blowout, a driver may lose control of the vehicle. Larger vehicles face the risk of rollovers.

Airbags. Airbags are a crucial part of any vehicle. In the event of an accident, a defective airbag may deploy late or not at all. This has the potential to increase the chance of serious injury for the driver and any passengers.

Seatbelts. A defective buckle or strap has the potential to come loose or snap during an accident, which will increase the chance of injury.

Other defects can be found in the following vehicle components and equipment:

  • Steering systems
  • Structural integrity of the roof
  • Fuel systems/gas tanks
  • Accelerator controls
  • Engine cooling fans
  • Wiring systems

Who Can Be Held Accountable for a Defective Car Part?

Depending on the nature of the defect, there may be multiple parties you can hold accountable including the car manufacturer, the parts manufacturer, or the distributor.

If you or a loved one has been injured in a car accident because of a defective car part, you may have the grounds for a product liability case. The manufacturer responsible for the error should be held accountable, and you should receive compensation for your injuries, medical expenses, and pain and suffering. Contact our Columbia, SC product liability lawyer today for a free consultation.

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