Legal News & Articles
In our modern world, mobile devices have become an integral part of our daily lives. However, the convenience of staying connected all the time has also led to a concerning trend: texting and[...]
The Solomon Law Group’s Legal Matters Newsletter Covers Food Delivery Accidents and More
We wanted to share with you that our law firm, The Solomon Group, has just released the spring 2024 installment of our newsletter, Legal Matters. This quarterly personal injury newsletter covers a wide[...]
Top Construction Zone Risks for Drivers
Driving through construction zones can be a daunting experience for many motorists. With changing traffic patterns, reduced speeds, and various hazards present, it's crucial for drivers to be aware of the potential risks[...]
How To Get a Copy of a Police Accident Report in South Carolina
Accidents happen, and when they do, having access to accurate documentation is crucial for insurance claims, legal proceedings, and personal records. If you've been involved in a car accident, obtaining a copy of[...]
Top 10 Worst Car Insurance Companies in the United States
If you own a vehicle, most states legally require you to purchase some type of car insurance, and each state has a different minimum coverage requirement. New Hampshire and Virginia are the only[...]
Who Is Responsible for a Work-Related Car Accident?
When it comes to work mishaps, few things can be as frustrating as a car accident, often leaving both employers and employees scratching their heads, wondering where the liability lies. Knowing who’s responsible[...]
A Guide to South Carolina Trespassing Laws
If you have been charged with trespassing in South Carolina, it's essential to understand what you may face as punishment. The penalties can vary greatly depending on the circumstances, but in general, the[...]
What To Do After a Slip & Fall Accident in South Carolina
Slip and fall is a term used in personal injury cases. Suppose a person slips and falls and injures themselves in a situation they otherwise wouldn't have had it not been for another[...]
What is the Statute of Limitations on Slip & Fall Cases in South Carolina?
What is considered a slip and fall? An injury is caused by someone slipping and falling on someone else's property. When these accidents occur on someone else's property, the owner may be held[...]
South Carolina Trucking Restrictions
Without trucks transporting goods across our nation each day, we would be without essential items. Along with all those miles come frequent safety issues that must be managed and regulated. Several thousand people[...]