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Columbia Motorcycle Accident Attorney

Columbia Motorcycle Accident Lawyers

It’s not uncommon to suffer severe injuries or even death during a motorcycle accident. Even if you wear a helmet and other protective gear, you don’t have the benefit of airbags, seat belts, and a metal enclosure like drivers in car accidents do. This is why many motorcycle crash victims suffer serious injuries or even end up fatally injured.

If you’ve been seriously injured in a motorcycle accident in Columbia, SC, you likely have a long recovery period ahead of you. As you start to heal, you might be disappointed to realize that the only thing worse than being seriously injured in a motorbike wreck is to find out later that you were taken advantage of by an insurance company that you thought would help you.

These insurance companies have multiple lawyers backing them up. Shouldn’t you have a Columbia motorcycle accident lawyer fighting for you?

You need an experienced accident attorney to fight for you after a crash. As you reach out for help after your crash, not only will you realize that an insurer is not on your side, but you’ll also quickly learn that claims adjusters know all the tricks in the book not to pay you what you deserve. Don’t let them get away with this.

Fortunately, you can get legal counsel to help you by contacting The Solomon Law Group, LLC.

What Are the Most Common Causes of Motorcycle Crashes?

Most motorcycle wrecks are caused by drivers who hit motorcyclists with their vehicles. In particular, one of the most common causes of these crashes is when a car turns left at an intersection and hits a motorbike rider going straight.

Sometimes, this happens simply because the driver doesn’t see the motorcycle coming toward them.

But in many cases, such crashes are due to negligence on the part of the car’s driver, such as speeding or distracted driving. Either way, it’s up to the car’s driver to yield to oncoming traffic while turning left, so this type of motorcycle accident is almost always the driver’s fault.

Granted, some motorcyclists make unsafe decisions that can lead to motorcycle accidents with catastrophic injuries, such as drunk driving, not wearing helmets, not yielding to traffic, or speeding. This is why some riders are considered partially at fault for collisions.

It’s not up to you or the other driver to determine fault. Instead, leave this to a Columbia motorcycle accident lawyer who can investigate the details of your crash and communicate with the insurance company to help you get the compensation you deserve as you recover from your injuries.

Common Injuries Motorcyclists Suffer in Richland County

No matter what the cause of your motorcycle crash may have been, the bottom line is that you’re likely suffering from serious injury as a result of it. After all, when you’re thrown off your bike and hit the ground at any speed, your injuries can be significant. In fact, many motorcyclists, unfortunately, suffer fatal injuries.

The most common injuries caused by motorcycle accidents include:

If you’ve suffered these or other devastating injuries, you must get medical treatment as soon as possible if you haven’t already. Even if you’re not sure if the physical injuries you’ve suffered are serious, you should see a doctor just in case.

While disfigurement and head injuries tend to be among the most serious injuries due to motorcycle crashes, they’re not the only ones that require immediate medical treatment. Some crashes leave devastating injuries that don’t seem serious right away but could leave behind lasting impairments.

You should also talk to our experienced Columbia motorcycle accident lawyers after your crash.

During your initial consultation with an attorney, you’ll discover options for recovering compensation for your incurred costs.

What Kinds of Damages Can You Pursue?

When you contact an attorney for help after a motorcycle collision, you’ll find out what compensation may be available. The goal is to make you whole again so that your life is similar to before the accident occurred.

As a result, one of the most important types of compensation includes economic damages, which may be recoverable for:

  • Medical costs
  • Physical therapy expenses
  • Lost wages
  • Property damage

You might also be entitled to noneconomic damages for pain and suffering, emotional distress, and disfigurement.

Your motorbike crash lawyer will help decide which damages to pursue–and what their value may be–after your collision.

Damages Available to Families of Motorcyclists Who Die

Unfortunately, 147 motorcyclists lost their lives on the roads in 2022, according to data from the South Carolina Department of Public Safety. That equals to one person killed every 2.5 days.

If you lost a loved one in a motorcycle crash, you should talk to a motorcycle accident attorney about filing a wrongful death lawsuit on behalf of your family member. You may be entitled to economic and noneconomic damages listed above in addition to the following by filing a wrongful death case:

  • Funeral costs
  • Loss of future earnings
  • Loss of companionship or counsel

The above are just the most common examples of compensation you can seek after an accident. You may be entitled to additional damages, depending on the facts of your case.

Any of our Columbia motorcycle accident lawyers in our office that you meet with will be able to better explain what kind of compensation you’re eligible to receive in your unique situation. Whether your case ends in a settlement or goes to court for litigation, you deserve to know you’re in good hands the whole time.

Why You Need a Knowledgeable Columbia Motorcycle Accident Lawyer

Wrecks like these can have life-altering consequences. Along with the physical and emotional toll they can take on victims, the financial consequences associated with them are often significant.

Dealing with the legal landscape in the aftermath of an accident can be overwhelming, especially when dealing with insurance companies that may not have your best interests in mind. You need an experienced attorney to help with your case. A skilled motorcycle accident lawyer like ours understands South Carolina personal injury laws related to crashes like these, which allows them to effectively guide you through each step of the legal process.

They will ensure all legal procedures are followed correctly, deadlines are met, and your rights are protected throughout the case.

Insurance companies often attempt to minimize payouts. Without legal representation, you may be disadvantaged when negotiating a fair settlement. An experienced attorney will know how to counter these tactics and calculate damages. With that, you can work to secure a compensation package that truly reflects the extent of your injuries and losses.

Work With an Experienced Motorcycle Accident Law Firm

Don’t let insurance companies and the complexity of the SC legal system penalize you just because you ride a motorcycle. If you have been injured, we’ll help you get all possible insurance and assets – anything and everything you deserve for just compensation.

The Solomon Law Group, LLC has successfully settled complex claims and obtained maximum settlements for injured motorcyclists and their families.

If you have any questions or are ready to take the next step in legal action, get in touch with our Columbia motorcycle accident lawyer by phone or email using our contact form.

We have years of experience helping accident victims who have suffered serious injuries or lost a loved one, and we’re poised to do everything we can to help you seek compensation during your personal injury or wrongful death lawsuit.

Contact us today to set up a free consultation.

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