Compassion and Commitment to Justice

Legal Advocates You Can Believe In


Your Values Are Ours
Our team believes in and focuses on the same values you do. We believe in truth, justice, dedication, and compassion. We fight against those that do wrong to others.
$68M Cases Mediated
We're dedicated to advocating for those in need and have obtained compensation for our clients totaling over $68M. We always fight for maximum compensation.
24+ Years Experience
Between our attorneys, our firm has a wealth of experience and expertise both inside and outside of the courtroom, totaling more than 24 years of experience.

Legal News & Articles

Ice Removal Laws in South Carolina

The winter months in the Mid-Atlantic area, including South Carolina, bring a number of different issues to the state, including the onset of a number of semi-trucks and vehicles, that fail to remove[...]

When Dogs Attack

Sit. Stay. Down. Good boy. These are common phrases most people speak to their furry, loveable pet dogs as they alternate between sleeping, eating, and pooping. While most domesticated dogs are well trained[...]

The SSDI Well is Running Dry

Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) was created to ensure that those who are injured while working still have the means to care for themselves. SSDI provides those injured employees with benefits that are[...]

Awards & Recognition